Monday, November 27, 2017

Home Maintenance - Preparing Your Home for Winter

From its headquarters in Plano, Texas, Pathlight Property Management oversees the maintenance of all Home Partners of America’s homes. While Pathlight Property Management is in charge of home management and repairs, all homeowners can play a significant role in maintaining their homes. 

Proper home maintenance includes preparing your home for the harsh weather that comes with the arrival of winter. How do you prepare your home for winter? Start by checking all the exterior door handles, locks, and deadbolts in your home to make sure they're working properly and fit as tightly as possible to keep out the cold. Also, check the insulation and weatherstripping around all doors and windows and repair as needed. 

Next, look after your home's plumbing system. Shut off and drain any outdoor faucets before the first freeze, and also drain irrigation systems. Insulate any pipes that are near outside walls or close to crawl spaces to insure against freezing. If you have a generator, have it serviced and stock up on fuel and motor oil. 

When things indoors are okay, go outside. Buy a roof rake to clear any ice dams that might accumulate on your roof during winter. Service your snow blower and then make sure your shovel is in good shape. You’ll need one to clear the snow from stairways and other awkward spaces.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Right to Purchase Program - Home Partners of America

Monday, August 14, 2017

Pathlight Property Management Tips for Moving Out of a Rental Unit

From its headquarters in Plano, Texas, Pathlight Property Management manages a range of rental units across the United States. As a courtesy to the tenants that it serves, as well as the other interested parties, Pathlight Property Management has published a variety of guidelines for moving out of a rental residence. 

Striving to help tenants receive their entire deposit back from any landlord, Pathlight advises residents to accomplish three things. First, they should provide proper notice in writing or through another method that the landlord has officially approved. Second, tenants should ensure that all outstanding rent has been paid in full. And, last but not least, they should provide a forwarding address to facilitate further communications and the remittance of deposit funds. 

Official move-out notifications via the management portal are strongly encourage. The three essential items to include in any move-out notice are the address of the property, the names of all tenants on the lease, and the final date of property surrender.